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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Lost in India AND in a Maze but Blessed

So today I ended up in Varanasi. If you read my past post you will note I said I was on my way to Jaisalmer, Well getting on a wrong bus, trying to sleep on the floor, and finding out I was literally heading in the wrong  landed me here. It isn't a total loss since I was planning on making this stop anyway. But it is quite annoying that I found out today I have to go BACK to Delhi on order to move on.
Anyway. Since I was here I figured I would get my sight seeing in.  I made my way to the Ghats, holy river water, and watched the people bathe themselves to receive the blessings. I then received an offer to sit down and before I realized what was happening I was being swinddled into receiving a blessing where the Bhrama tried to charge me 500 ruppees for something that at temples is done at no charge. I gave ten, half the cost of a bottle of water, and said thanks. Then I got lost for about two hours walking in what I swear could easily be considered an official maze. I ended up having to use a compass to find my way out.
I have to say, I think my favorite part of this whole trip so far, other than the juice,-which I'm still not sure what they put in it, is the food.  I have not tasted a food I haven't liked. Indian food is probably one of the best cultural foods I have ever tasted.  Plus the diversity is great, I'm trying a new meal each day.
Anyway, this is a picture of me, recently blessed, and lost in the maze. Once I get a bit more time and internet will upload some of the better photos.

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