Blog Disclaimer: The information presented here is the intellectual property of Eugene Foerster and does not represent the views, opinions or policies of the Peace Corps (, United States Government, Duke University, DukeEngage or any other organization in anyway.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Pick Pocket and Trains

So my first day in India was spent getting lost on the metro and seeing the lotus temple. I had planned on seeing a few more but couldn't figure out where they were and instead of being late for my train from trying to find them I decided to head back to get my bag at the hotel and then to the train. Good thing I did because I couldn't remember the name of the metro station where I boarded. So after wasting an hour of back and forth on the train I made it. Getting to the train station was a bit of an ordeal. Standing at the bus stop I felt someone try to pick pocket me. I wasn't sure or I would have blown up at him but then he tried again on the bus this time getting caught by another passenger. But sometime between the guy yelling at the thief and getting off the bus I was successfuly pick pocketed and my note book with all my sites I wanted to see, the names of the hotels I was going to stay at, and other info was taken. Thankfully the only thing I didn't have an extra copy of was the hostels, so no worries.  Considering what else I had in my pockets I got very lucky.
But I finally, with the help of some fellow passengers, got to the bus station just in time...except the train was twenty minutes late so I was plenty early and had no need to rush at all.  This is a picture of the sleeper class car I'm riding in. It is the lowest class available, I.e. cheap, and it is a busy place for sure. People constantly are coming up and down the aisles with stuff to sell, bags, and the like. The bottom bunk during the day acts like a seat, the second bunk is the back to the seat, and only the top is always a bunk.  I managed to get a top so I am free from the over crowded lower seat as long as I don't mind laying down the whole time.  Still, the next train I might spring for a car with air-conditioning.

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