Sorry there isn't any pictures. You
will see why in a minute. So I am in India, but lets just say it has been
a rough start. I got to Dubai with no problems, but either the airplane
food or the food I bought with the voucher provided to me by the airline gave
me food poisoning. I was very excited to fly Emirates, but I have to say
I am NOT impressed. Well, the food poisoning made it an uncomfortable
ride, and as much as I hate to admit it, the poor lady next to me hearing the famous
eruptions was probably pretty close to as uncomfortable as I was. But,
the real horror started as I got off the plane. Having held things
through the flight, I just made it to the restroom and...well I will let you
image the rest. Then through customs I was doubled over in pain, receiving
more than a few stares as well as a few compassionate nods. The Emirates
official at baggage check didn't have a whole lot to say to me when I told her
how sick I was, but did provide me a bottle of water when I asked, and had one
of the baggage guys help me get my bags and a taxi. Then it was on to the
couchsurfers house...except not. I got to the area we were supposed to
meet but his phone was turned off or something and I couldn't get in touch
with him. So I had the taxi drive me to a hotel...any hotel so I wouldn't be sick in his cab, but of course it was
more expensive that I ever wanted, but since I was about to explode I accepted
it and got to the room. After a few hours rest it was out to get some
juice, since I wouldn't be eating anything for awhile, some meds, and a new
sim card for my phone. In the room I watched movies and wondered if I had
made a mistake coming here.
Today I am feeling better, and while not 100%, more than what I would have
needed in order to get out of the house in Ethiopia. So after my first
real food in India, (stir fried veg. with a black bean sauce) and walking
around seeing what India's backstreets looked like, I was feeling much better
about my decision to come here. Then it was off to find a hostel with a
more affordable daily rates. The bus ride to this part of town was quite
nice, although it is rather hot here, with people helping me find my stop, and
the bus officials finding me without a ticket, I am still unclear where you
actually buy them, and am thankful the bus officials helped me get a day pass instead of fining me.
After a quick detour (read getting lost for 10 minutes), I got out my phone
and used google maps, and a little luck, to find my way to the hostel. The hostel is
stuck at the back of what looks like the creepy alleyways that people get
murdered in on television, but once you get past the first 20 meters or so
turns into a haven for small hotels, a few shops, and where I am staying
Now for the really fun part, dealing with red tape. That all started when
I went to get a train ticket. Of course it is in a government tourist
office that has a ratio of about 50/1 of non-tourists to tourists waiting to be
served. After two hours of waiting I was told my fears, that all the
tickets would be sold out as it says online, are NOT true and my waiting was
not in vain. I am now a proud owner of a ticket to my next stop,
Jaisalmer. Then there was the time spent trying to get cash because very few places accept credit cards. And my debit card expired while I was in Ethiopia. On to the banks, well four banks and a few hours later I am
finally convinced that no bank in India will let me do a cash advance on a credit
card unless it is at the ATM. Not having a PIN means this is
impossible. This is where I really want to do a shout out to Capital One
credit cards. Not only do they provide collect calls for international
travelers having trouble, and no international fees, but they also helped me out
by letting me get a PIN placed on the card right away, something they don't
often do. But they did it all in a short time allowing me to get money
out and not starve to death in India.
So tomorrow will be my first day of exploring the city, since I have not
exactly had the opportunity yet, and then tomorrow night I will be on my first
train ride in India. Lets see if I can make it out of the country with
nothing stolen now. LOL.
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