Blog Disclaimer: The information presented here is the intellectual property of Eugene Foerster and does not represent the views, opinions or policies of the Peace Corps (, United States Government, Duke University, DukeEngage or any other organization in anyway.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The holidays are almost over

The holidays are almost over.  Tomorrow is the Ethiopian Christmas, then it things will get back to normal.  The schools are gearing up for mid-terms, then the break.  So I have not club meetings for about a month.  That means that I have NOTHING to do.  The beekeeping season is over.  The person I was working with to try to do the banana disease training has changed offices so I can't do it with him anymore.  So right now I am bored.  I decided to get some chickens so I have been building a chicken coupe.  It is almost done now, I just have to buid the doors and it will be finished.  It has been interesting building it, and I remembered how much I HATE carpentry.  Especially since the most sophisticated tool I have is a tape measure.  If I ever decided to do something like this again it wouldn't be with out at LEAST a drill.  But, when I finish with this I will be back to nothing to do.  I really need to add another project so I can at least stay a bit busy.  That being said the next few weeks shouldn't be too bad.  A NGO worker who lives near here is coming this weekend to see my area.  In a week and a half I am going to Addis to do a training, and to have a tooth checked out.  Then I am thinking about a mini vacation.  By that time the schools will be about ready to start back up, so I will be back to having two days a week with things to do.  But, I still want to add something on to my schedule. 
Last week PC came to assess my site for a new volunteer.  They approved a health volunteer!  So in about three months I will have someone to keep me company.  I have to work on finding a house for them now though.  It is going to be interesting since all the people I usually work with have been busy or not very helpful recently.  I don't know when PC is coming out to approve the housing either so that adds on a little complication.  But, regardless, I am excited to see who comes.  Since I am giving the new group training in the next few weeks my plan is to try to find the person I would like to come, then request them.  I am hopefull that we will be able to do a few projects together, and I am going to have them start up a few new clubs so the schools should be happy about that. 
I will be in Addis a lot over the next few months, giving trainings, going to trainings, and doing comittee stuff.  So I am in a way looking forward to that. I don't really like Addis, but being able to have great internet, and forenji food is exciting.  Plus, getting to hang out with my friends is always nice.  Otherwise, it is the same old.  I am drinking way too much coffee, and hanging out with some friends.  That is about it for now.  Hopefully things get busy again so I can keep what little sanity I have left!
Miss you all, and I hope you had a great holiday season.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Trey,
    Only a few words to thank you for the nice letter that you have sent to me from Ethiopia, Which I have receive it today, if you wish, you can see their picture at my blog

    Thank you again for helping me in order to increase my collection, I take advantage of this message for sending to you my sincere wishes of health, peace and happiness to you and all your dear beings.

    A strong hug from Spain

    Emilio Fernandez
