Well it is that time again...to get back into a rut. I cannot even begin to describe how much I
have read in my time in Ethiopia. I am
not just talking about books either.
Let's see how much I can remember: about thirty papers on beekeeping,
everything from teaching it in Africa, to The Beekeeping Guide for Dummies (not
being sarcastic), each one being between 80-300 pages long; fuel efficient cook
stoves and ovens, about a dozen similar length documents on that; poultry raising,
only one document on that; fuel briquette making, about 4-5 documents; every
GAD document at least skimmed, probably about 200 documents; documents about
the banana disease I am working on, about 20 scientific papers; and documents
and manuals about starting various school clubs; and a ton of small stuff about
gardening, tree nurseries, etc. Then
when I add on the thirty something books finished, and the dozen or so started
that I am still working on. Well let's
just say you begin to get an idea of where my last five months at site have
gone. But hey, there are worse things I
could be doing than increasing my knowledge I guess. But that seems to be more or less where this
week is going too. So Monday I read
(shocker I know) about school clubs, I also got the money supplied by my office
to go into my hub town and get supplies for the training I am going to be doing
on Beekeeping. Tuesday I actually went
into town and bought the supplies plus did a few errands. Today the power finally came back and I
worked on some tech crap at the office, but that didn't take that long and I
READ. But this week the power has been
more off than on so I have read a lot, trouble is I tried to put some more
books on my kindle and for some reason it is now saying there are NO books on
it. I have done everything I can think
of and I can't seem to get it to recognize a thing I put on it. Needless to say I am a bit upset. Thankfully before Jill and Devin left I got a
bunch of paper books from them so I am not dying of boredom. I was even supposed to have a class about the
banana disease in Balo Habebe (the gorge) today, but since there was a
political meeting also today they pushed the date back. So my first class has still not happened, but
they are talking about me doing the first beekeeping class next week so I am
keeping my fingers crossed. School
starts next week though, and assuming I can get these clubs set up I will soon
be able to depend on recurring meetings every week with a set schedule! Looking forward to it.
So the theme for today is: Read a Book! I know in America we have busy lives, with
work, and school, and watching American Idol!
But this week find a good book to sit down and read. It can be one of your favorites, or one a
friend has been nagging you to read, but find something and make a little time
every day to read some of it. Even if it
is just a chapter a day, you will be surprised at how quickly you can finish it
done, and maybe it will lead to a reading habit. Now I challenge any of you to out read me!!!
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