Blog Disclaimer: The information presented here is the intellectual property of Eugene Foerster and does not represent the views, opinions or policies of the Peace Corps (, United States Government, Duke University, DukeEngage or any other organization in anyway.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


We are on the second day of IST (in service training), so far there hasn't been a whole lot of interest.  Today people are doing presentations about their sites.  Even though it has been such a short time we have already had someone get their phone stolen, it was returned though (for a fee).  We have been in classes nearly all day for both days, so not a lot of getting out of the hotel at this point.  But, the afternoons we have been going out to eat and loving the forenji food.  The end of this week we are going to some trainings on composting toilets, then beekeeping.  I am really exciting about the beekeeping training, I have already prepared some questions to ask the experts there.  It has been great getting to see everyone again.  But, we have been warned that after this going back to site is probably going to really bum us out.  We are all sad to be losing another volunteer, but no one can blame him for his choice, and we will all miss him.
I have gotten approval to buy a horse and for (part or all) of the cost to be reimbursed by PC.  Since  am in such a rural area, bikes are not logical for some of the area I need to go, and the lack of transportation means I had to find other options, hence, the horse.  So I can't wait to get that set up when I get back to site.  I also have gotten a cool idea for another income generating activity that I will research when I get back to site that could really improve my life as well.  I might be being a little selfish, but I think that is ok sometimes.
Yesterday we did kind of a brain storm session where the volunteers came up with our biggest problems at sight, then determined what we can do, and what PC can do to help us with these problems.  Some interesting solutions were brought up, so something good will come out of it.
Otherwise, for all of he parents reading my blog, I wanted to assure you everyone is doing well.  No one has been overly sick while here, and everyone is enjoying the company of the people we havn't seen in months.
It has happened, the thing all travelers fear.  I have been ROBBED!  Well, all drama aside, I did get things stolen from me.  I was on the bus with my bag at my side and resting against the back of the seat in front of me.  Somehow the person sitting there reached through the seat, sliced a whole in my bag, and stole my point and shoot camera, my ipod shuffle, and my US android smart phone.  All in all, they made of with several hundred dollars worth of equipment.  Thankfully, they didn't take my kindle, or my PC passport (which was in a hidden pocket, in the same pouch).  I really don't know what they plan to do, my phone is encrypted and password protected, and the camera is old enough it will be impossible to find a charger for it, the only thing that is really any good to them is the ipod.  So thief, I hope you enjoy, because you just took away all of my sources of portable music.
Otherwise I have arrived in Addis safely, I will be here for two weeks, so now is the time to get in touch if you want to talk to me.


  1. That stinks. I am glad they didn't get your passport. That would have been awful.

  2. Excited you will be getting horse. Are you concerned about the amount of food and water he will need? I know water can be an issue sometimes. What is your money making idea? Who is leaving and why?
