Blog Disclaimer: The information presented here is the intellectual property of Eugene Foerster and does not represent the views, opinions or policies of the Peace Corps (, United States Government, Duke University, DukeEngage or any other organization in anyway.

Friday, June 20, 2014


As usual I am not doing a lot.  I have read two and a half books in the last two days, if that gives you an idea of how busy I am.  I have decided to quit trying to tell you when I am going to the gorge.  I can see it daily, but have still not been able to get down into it.  I had a set plan with a coworker to go this Tuesday.  But yesterday came and I met the person I was going with, only to find there was a problem.  I am not sure how it came up, or how the office even realized I was here.  But, it appears that the zonal agricultural office found out I was living in Gassera and had not been told I was here.  They were apparently a little pissed at having been left out of the loop and my liason called PC to sort it out.  From what I can understand, and that isn't a lot, there was a letter that was supposed to be delivered to the zonal office but either someone at my office or someone at the PC office forgot to deliver it.  So now I have been told I am not allowed to go to any of the rural areas until it is sorted out.  That means that the few breaks I got to go explore with someone are now on hold until this is over.  So sitting at the office is the only thing I can do at the moment that is work related.  So for now I wait.  I do have faith that SOME DAY I will make it down there to see all the cool stuff I have been told is down there.  Last weekend was pretty interesting though.  I was in Robe to get some supplies and Devin and Jill were kind enough to let me get into their beehive just to get some experience.  It was a really interesting experience to see how they work to protect their hive and the progress they had made in making new combs.  Sadly we were not able to do a lot because they were too active from the relativly high afternoon temperature.  But, it was still a really interesting experience and made me even more interested in getting a beekeeping project going while I am here.  And hey, I only got stung twice, I am also sure I am not allergic!

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