I just wanted to check in, for those of you who read my last post you will know that I have been waiting on the staging information. That is the time and place where I will meet to receive my final information, attend some lectures, meet my fellow volunteers, and in general get set to go. I have been getting home every day and checking to see if I had mail. I got a surprise today, not a letter, but an email (I guess I should assume that PC is with the times and doesn't use paper anymore). It stated that I will be meeting in Philadelphia February 10th for staging. I was hoping to meet in Atlanta so I could visit with family and friends, but PC has other plans. So after staging I will fly out on the 11th, and arrive in country to start my official service!
It is long awaited news, and it is just one more thing that makes this a reality. Every day I get a little more excited, and admittedly, a little more anxious to leave. After reading Michael's blog I have an even better idea of what to expect. I am looking forward to the amazing experience that I am about to embark on, as well as wary of the hardships I have in store for me. Over the next few weeks I will be saying bye to many of you, in case any of you reading this are not in one of the groups seeing me off I want to say goodbye for a few years. I know I will be a changed person when I return but I hope to stay in touch and pick right back up where I left off.
I will try to post again soon after I arrive in country, if I am lucky maybe with a couple pictures. If not know I will try to keep a regular blog, but once I know where I will be stationed I should have a better idea of how often I will be able to check in.
I couldn't have gotten here without all your support, and I won't be able to make it without knowing you guys are here for me. My hope going forward is that I can live up to the PC's expectations and represent an America that you all would be proud to call home.
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