Blog Disclaimer: The information presented here is the intellectual property of Eugene Foerster and does not represent the views, opinions or policies of the Peace Corps (, United States Government, Duke University, DukeEngage or any other organization in anyway.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all my friends, family, and PCVs all across the world.  
I miss all of you very much and think about you frequently.  I hope you enjoy the holiday wherever you may be and whoever you are with.  Even though Thanksgiving is already past please remember to take a moment and think about all the friends, and family who you have in your life, and remember how lucky you are to have them. 
Enjoy the rest of the Holidays, I can't wait to celebrate the next round in America!
(Note: We made the sign from PlayDoh)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Stuck in Hawassa

     Well, as many of you know there has been another round of protesting from the New Deal that the government is trying to push through.  I am not able to go into details as anything I write here would be considered journalism and could land me in trouble.  All I can say is that despite some harrowing experiences all of the volunteers have remained safe.  
     Currently many of the volunteers in the problem areas are consolidated. This includes all the people who currently live on the Dodola-Goba road.  We are in Hawassa keeping up with people in our site as best as we can, and monitoring the situation with PC.  Currently the earliest we are expected to go back to site would be Thursday.  Until then it is nice hotels paid for my the PC, per diem, American food, a lake, and plenty of partying.  If you couldn't tell from my last post, the monotony of site was really beginning to get to me.  Being in this city has done a lot to relieve my boredom and stir craziness.  
    For those of you who are interested, there is an interesting article on NewsVice about what is happening.  Please keep our friends and coworkers in mind as they have to navigate this dangerous time where they live.  Truly we are much more worried about them than we could possibly be about ourselves.  

    On a different note it is a bittersweet time for many of us as some fellow PCVs are finishing their service.  The last of the G8 volunteers are on their way out, with one exception, and we wish them all the best.  It is exciting for them to move on and get to the next phase of their life, but they will be missed from our PC family.  

P.S. I want to say to Danny's family, thank you for the Christmas card.  It was so nice of you to think of me, and I am glad you have been reading my blog.  I got it the day before we were removed from site so I have not had a chance to send anything back to you.  But, know I appreciate the thought and I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.  

Friday, December 4, 2015

Bored, Bored and More!

Well, what can I say, I am bored.  I have really had no significant work since I have been back from the States.  There has been a few beekeeping things to do, but really that amounts to two or three afternoons.  It is really annoying how little I have accomplished recently.  I did have a farmer field day where my office took the farmer and development agents around to show them the work they were doing.  I wouldn't really call that work though since I understood none of what they were saying and really just walked around in the demonstration fields.  The other day PC came out here to figure out if they were going to put another volunteer in the area.  They selected one of my rural kabeles and I think it is going to be nice for the new volunteer.  The farmer training center is well cared for and the development agent in charge of it is really smart.  Finally there was thanksgiving; I went to Hawassa where they have opened a new office for us.  It was really nice and the internet was great.  Just being in Hawassa made me regret not extending a little.  It is a beautiful town with wildlife everywhere, the people are used to white people so the harassment isn't too bad, and it is on the lake so just so relaxing.  To celebrate the holiday we had a potluck at the office.  There was mashed potatoes, curry, coleslaw, chicken, desserts, and much more.  It was so delicious, and getting to see so many people I haven't seen in a while was great.  I am really going to miss the friends I have made here.  PCVs are just the best people (myself excluded of course). 
COS (Close of service) is coming up, although now that I am so aware of it it seems time has slowed down.  But, I know sooner rather than later it will come and I will be out of here.  I got a taste of what it is going to be like when I leave the other day;  one of my coworkers got a job elsewhere and there was an office party for him.  We got together at a restaurant for food and drinks, but a good thirty minutes was taken up just with speeches.  I knew Ethiopians like to have their meetings, but apparently they love giving speeches, everyone talked about how they will miss him, and gave advice.  I even was even asked to say something, but I kept it "short and sweet."  They all told me that I was their brother, and that when I leave they will be doing the same thing for me.  It will be interesting to see how they deal with the translation issue, I feel like it is just going to mean a translator so thirty minutes of speech translated will mean an hour.  But, It is nice to know that they will miss me and I know I will miss the friends I have made in my town as well. 
I realize that I only have this month to use my remaining vacation days, so what to do.  I know I should go somewhere new, but I really think I might just go back to Harar.  It was such a good time, and I would love to just have to time in a place I can wear shorts...yes, planning a vacation has come down to picking a place specifically to wear "skimpy clothing."
It is almost time to start applying for jobs.  I am afraid of what that even means for me.  I feel like I am unqualified for anything that I would really want to do (also, I really don't know what I want to do), but I also am totally against going back to school unless I have no alternatives.  What that is going to mean for my future I really have no idea.  I am really hoping that this PC experience will get me farther than I think it will.  Everyone please keep me in mind if you hear about any NGO, conservation, and/or wildlife related jobs. 
But hey, not to fear, I have four and a half months of PC, plus a month vacation in India before I really have to worry to much about any of that!