Only twenty-eight days till I fly out! I am so excited to come home for a visit, I
think about the beach (I mean my family...seeing family) every day! I am also very curious if I put on
weight. My weight, even in Ethiopia,
hasn't changed more than two or three pounds in years, not exaggerating, but
all my friends that have gone home have ate themselves silly and gained
weight. I am a bit disappointed in
myself, I was trying to get to a point where I had enough muscle to feel good
about taking my shirt off on South Beach, but I would do well exercising every
day, then go to a training and when I got back to site I would take a week or
two extra before I started up again. As
you can imagine I still am not beach body ready, but not like that is actually
going to stop me. It is crazy to think I
am about to be an UNCLE! It is going to
be a busy, and eventful month for sure!
But, before I even get back to America, I have a ton of work
to do. I still have one bee colony to
transfer over to a transitional hive, I also am trying to strengthen the hive I
already have, and I am happy to say I just completed another successful
transfer. That brings my number of modern
hives to two, with one traditional still waiting to be moved over. I also have not had any more issues with
people disturbing my hives. The Farmer
Training Staff had to go out and talk to all of the farmers in the area, but it
did the trick. I wish it hadn't cost me
250 birr, but at least it is over. I am
really hoping that we get some good rains this year so I can get a good amount
of honey. Since people aren't listening
to my training. I want to get a good harvest this year so I can put their faces
in it and say "do what I told you and you can have this too!" I also just got a grant approved by PC (THANK
YOU, JAMIE!) to do a small camp here in Gassera.
I am trying to get sixty students together to learn about gender
equality, leadership, and sexual health/HIV prevention. My site mate and I are also planning a
bio-intensive garden training for women with HIV for the day before I leave to
go to Addis to catch my flight. Finally
I am supposed to be putting together a training on how to run a proper stool
test for the livestock office. I have to
admit, as easy as that is going to be I have been pretty lazy about getting it
together. Still, I feel like even if
that is the only thing I do to help animals in this country it will at least be
something. So it is going to be a very
interesting 28 days!
I also just finished a training on honey purification for
international sale quality. I think it
went really well and I think the people I trained are really going to apply it,
I hope. While I was there I was shown a waterfall and of course I went for a nice dip. It was amazing just to be swimming
again! Of course, I am still waiting to
see what diseases I catch, but as of right now I am going to say TOTALLY worth
it. Don't worry though, when we complete
service PC puts us on a regimen of drugs to kill every disease known to man so
before I come home. It will be like a factory reset.
So, for now, I am going to continue my back-breaking pace to
get all this stuff done. I am afraid
that I am going to have to decrease my daily coffee breaks down to five or six
See you all soon!