Blog Disclaimer: The information presented here is the intellectual property of Eugene Foerster and does not represent the views, opinions or policies of the Peace Corps (, United States Government, Duke University, DukeEngage or any other organization in anyway.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New Year

Note: there are several dates of blogs in this posting due to the unavailability of internet.

Merry belated Christmas, and Happy New Year!!!
This has been my first of several without my family.  The first year I have spent my birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas without being with family.  It doesn't help that they all fall within a month and a week from each other.  Honestly it wasn't too bad.  While I missed you guys a TON, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  For lunch my landlord had me over for lunch and a coffee ceremony.  I had not been feeling well and had JUST laid down in bed to try and take a nap when she knocked on my door.  That all took several hours of course so I only got to take a short nap before I had to go back into town to call the fam.  I was happy to be able to talk to my family on Christmas, even though it was freezing outside, the connection wasn't great, and I was sick.  But, of course I am willing to sacrifice for you guys ;)  I was sitting in front of my coffee shop talking to everyone, and when I finished I went and said goodbye to her; but the thing was she had already made plans for me.  I tried to get out nicely, telling her that I was sick and really just wanted to go to be.  She was very dissapointed (and maybe a little offended), so I caved and agreed.  She had me, and about seven of her friends over where she had cooked some food, and prepared a coffee ceremony for us.  It was extreemly thoughtful of her, especially since Ethiopians celebrate Christmas on December 29th, which falls on January 9th of our calendar so for her it was just another day.  But, being sick (and nauseous) meant I was having to try really hard to seem like I was enjoying it.  If I hadn't felt terrible it would have been great though!  After all that and not getting home to almost ten pm I just wanted to sleep in, but of course I couldn't.  Friday the president of Oromia came through town and my coworkers had told me I had to come and meet him.  So I got up early, too sick to eat breakfast I went to work hungry, tired, and feeling aweful.  I sit at the office and for some reason only one person was there.  I figured people were off getting things ready to receive him, but after ten oclock I felt like something was definitly fishy.  I checked with the one person there and he told me that the president wasn't actually coming to town, but going through town on the way to Balo Aminia.  A walk I take regularly and coule easily have done that morning.  But, I was told he was already there, and probably wouldn't be staying long, so my waking up, and making the trip to the office was a total waste of time. 
I went home, frustrated, and feeling worse by the minute.  When I got home I was promptly sick for several hours, and about every five minutes.  I decided that it was time for some medicine so I went to a pharmacy, and by the time I got home (without taking any meds) I was feeling better.  I don't know what happened, if I just got whatever it was out of my system, or if it was just a short acting thing, but after that everything was good.  So that was how I spent my Christmas.  Eating food I felt like I was going to puke up, and freezing to death.  So why do I say it wasn't that bad...well, it just didn't bother me for some reason.  I don't know what to say, maybe I am used to being here, maybe it was because during the day it was hot as crap and didn't feel like Christmas; maybe it was because people took the time to try and make my day special even though for them it wasn't a normal holiday.  But, whatever it was, it was nice to know that I can get through such an important holiday in Ethiopia. 
Otherwise things have bee pretty normal.  I have had a few interesting things over that last few weeks.  I was invited to help harvest honey at one of the rural kabeles.  I knew they weren't going to do it right and wouldn't listen to me.  So instead of helping I just took pictures.  I would be posting a few of them, but there is no internet.  I also got invited to go on an inspection of the farmer training centers that USAID was doing.  It was interesting to see what they were doing, and how.  I also enjoyed getting to see some of the many kabeles I have not been able to see yet.  I am up to nine out of twenty-one so far.  In English club I had the kids make Christmas cards and we discussed the different ways people celebrate the holidays in America.  In one club I wasn't specific enough so all the kids made cards to me!  Otherwise it has been pretty normal here at site, although I have realized I am now addicted to coffee.  If I go too long without drinking it I get a terrible headache!  I would try to wean myself off of it, but coffee is a way of life here so I guess that will just have to wait till I get back to the states.   
This week I have a lot to do and happening.  I have to finish getting my local material bee veils made.  I need to inspect my bees to see what they are up too.  I want to finish making my fruit dehydrator.  I need to plan for my next few English clubs, get my lesson ready for the boys club, and figure out how I am going to report the assignments to the students so they can see if there is any change from coming to club.  My peace corps report is going to be emailed to me to start filling out (but since there has been no internet in Robe for the last month and a half I am not sure how I am going to accomplish that).  I am trying to get my landlord to let me make a chicken coup, then I have to get some modern chickens ordered.  I want to try to get my horse AGAIN this weekend (I am over two months of pestering my counterparts to help my buy it).  Peace Corps is coming out to determine if they are going to put a health volunteer in my site, which would mean someone here to keep me company and help me with projects, and another group of PC is coming out to do my second site visit to talk to me about what I am doing, and help me solve any problems, etc that I am having.  Finally I am supposed to go out to a rural kabele to do some beekeeping and poultry training.  Should be an interesting, if hectic, week.
I hope you all ate way too much food these last few weeks and also that you have a great 2015!  (Or by the Ethiopian calendar, a great rest of your 2007) 
So nothing has changed since the last time I wrote here.  When I say nothing, I do mean NOTHING.  I had no club meetings last week due to testing.  I had no work because the only active programs I have right now is the beekeeping and the clubs.  On top of that my counterparts were giving training all weekend so I wasn't able to get a horse...again.  I am still not giving up though.  I really want a way to get out of town for a few hours on the weekend and just explore and get around a bit.  So planning on it again this week.  All I did all week last week was drink a LOT of coffee.  I probably averaged 4-6 cups a day.  I did get invited for lunch to one of my friends houses.  He had BBC news going so I got a little glimpse of civilization!  His wife was very nice and cooked us pasta and tea.  It was a nice time just hanging out and talking. 
I went to Robe on Monday to get some interent, pick up some food, mail letters, get some stuff working on my new phone that requires interent access, and check up with Jill and Dev's landlord.  It was pretty much all a bust.  There was no cell internet network, no internet at any of the internet cafe's, the food I wanted was sold out, and their landlord wasn't home.  The only thing I actually accomplished was mailing the letters, and I did eat some pizza (although it wasn't as good as I remember from last time).  So ya, Ethiopia! 
The only random cool thing happened yesterday.  I was heading to have more coffee (I think that was my fourth cup of the day; still had another two), and two white guys were walking there too!  I was shocked having almost never seen white people in town that I didn't invite myself.  We sat down, and they told me how they were passing through Ethiopia on their way to Chad and decided to stay and explore a while.  They were on the third to the last day of about a month stay.  Having finished Dinsho park and Sinete plateau, their guide brought them here to look at the gorge.  They had enjoyed a short time in Gassera and were about to head back to Goba.  They shared their experience in Napal visiting PC friends, and visits to countries all over the world.  But, the biggest surprise was when they told me they were from Florida!  Shortly after they headed out, but it was cool just seeing white people in my town. 
Well, I haven't written anything in a while because nothing unusual has really happened.  I am still doing all the same projects, although I have gotten tentative approval to do a women's, and children's nutrition training to the lactating and pregnant women that come to the health center every week.  With the help of the person in charge of the anti-retroviral drug department, we gave a post exposure prophalaxis training, as well as an HIV myths/facts lesson to the kids at the highschool.  It was the typical story getting that to happen, we had it scheduled three times before the students were actually told to show up. 
Yesterday we had a farmer field day to see the projects the AGP (agricultural growth production) office is doing.  It was not particularlly interesting though, especially since I didn't understand a word that was said.  Otherwise Christmas is coming up fast, I am sad to not be with family for the first year ever.  But, I am thinking I will just have to bake a lot of cookies and stuff and celebrate with my landlord and her family.  Habesha actually do celebrate christmas as well, it is just not as big and it is a few weeks later than we celebrate it in the West. 
I am still trying to get my horse.  The last week I have bugged my counterparts to help me everyday, so hopefully within the next week or so I will have a horse!  I can't wait to be able to go explore easier during the weekend.  At this point since everything is so spread out it takes a few hours of walking to get anywhere new.   
And that is about it.  That is my life in a nut shell right now.  I am used to the slowness of it all more or less, but there are still days where I want to pull my hair out from boredom.  It is going to be nerve racking/and awsome to come back to the states and actually have a job and a life that is fast paced again.  I think there will always be a part of me that likes this slow paced way of doing things though.  Just sitting at my favorite coffee place and chatting with the people who come to take a break.  Spending half a day just snacking in between cups of coffee or tea.  It can be really nice sometimes. 
Merry christmas, happy New Years, and enjoy all the other holidays I am leaving out!
We are nearing the end of November, and I can't help but think about my time so far in Ethiopia.  It has been over nine months since my plane landed in this country, and about six since I arrived in Gassera town.  Some months have been rough and I have stayed in my house watching movies and wanting nothing more than to be back in the states.  And there have been times where I have been so happy to be working here, and getting things accomplished that I want to stay forever.  I expect nothing more and nothing less than this from PC service, still sometimes it is interesting to look back and wonder.  This weekend I had to say goodbye to yet another PCV friend I have had the privalege of getting to know during my service so far.  Thankfully this one was on good terms.  Laresa from Goba has finished her service and is returning to America, I wish her nothing but the best and am happy to have gotten the chance to know her.  It was, like most going aways, a bitter sweet time.  Sad because the parties and get togethers we would throw at her house now are orphaned.  Sad because she is a great asset to the Bale zone, and a good friend.  Sweet because she now gets to join the small ranks of RPCV!  And because she gets to return to American.  And finally (admittadly selfish motives here) sweet because of all the goodies we got to scavenge from her house!  So I know PC service is an aspect of all our lives we will never forget, and I hope to see you again in the states Laresa!
On  less dramatic note I am preparing for and enjoying the thanksgiving time of year.  I have taught myself how to make sugar cookies (ok so not a huge deal, but since there is no such thing as cookies here I am glad to now have some to eat!), and I made pumpkin bread from scratch yesterday!  I don't know why I didn't pick up backing back in the states, but now that I find an abundance of time on my hands I am enjoying the trial and error of learning.  I also am loving the raw cookie dough!!!  I know I shouldn't eat it because of the raw eggs, but come on, can you really expect me not too!  Everytime I eat cookie dough I think back to the time where Jess, Adam, Ashley, and I would spend every afternoon making tacos, eating raw cookie dough (because we rarely got any all the way to the oven), and watching Disney movies.  I miss those nights and can't wait to come back so we can have a Disney marathon and eat cookie dough till we are sick! 
This year there was a raffle for Thanksgiving.  Many of the US embassy families have offered to have PC volunteers come and enjoy the holiday with them over thanksgiving dinner.  It is so nice for them to accept us into their homes and families for the holidays.  I am happy to say I get the opportunity to travel to Addis to enjoy the holidays with them.  I can't wait to stuff my face with all the wonderful food I have no other chance of getting for the next year and a half!  Plus it means I get to spend time with many of my PC family as we will all be in Addis.  I am sad to say this is the first year I will not be able to spend the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons with my family and I wish them all a wonderful time and to gain way to much weight in way to short a time!
For all the rest of the people who still can stand to read what I put up here, thankyou. I hope you enjoy it, and even more I hope you are able to spend this special time of the year with your family and loved ones.  Have a wonderful time, and know that I am thankful for everyone of you!

So it has been an interesting week.  I finally got the bees moved, it was a much simpler task than I had imagined and the farmers son who drove us by Gari (horse cart) was very nice.  He did charge me a little more than I wanted to pay but I guess it was technically illegal for him to be using the Gari after six pm so he was worried about getting a ticket.  It is ironic that it is illegal for him to do that, but it is also illegal for me to mess with the bees at all before seven pm, so there is technically no legal way for me to move the bees without contracting a car.  Anyway, I got my first visitors on Monday, they helped me transfer the bees from the traditional hives they were originally in, over to my modern and transitional hives.  It was their first time transfering bees, and for one of them it was the first time ever working with bees.  The transfer went very smoothly and I am happy to report the bees seem to be very happy in their new home.  I will hopefully be doing an inspection on them early next week so I will be able to tell more then.  Otherwise I have continued to be very busy, I had my first boys and girls development clubs on Wednesday.  Sadly they went pretty badly and I hope I can recover from the flop of a first class. 
As far as that goes it has just been one misscommunication after another.  First they administration was hesitant and being difficult about setting up those clubs at all so I went to the prep school.  I had everything ready for starting there, but at the last minute the administration said it wasn't a good idea to do it there so I went back to the high school.  The second time around they were very quick about getting it going so I was encouraged.  But I had problems with communication and language barriers so the clubs were set for the wrong times.  So I tried to change it and the times were messed up again.  The third time I tried I just decided to live with the improper times.  But, that meant that the counterpart I had lined up for the boys club couldn't help me.  So I decided to just try it with the teacher in charge of the club.  So I get there and start the class.  But, the teacher had a hard time understanding and translating so the activity didn't work.  Then I tried to explain the point of the activity and the lesson from the meeting and he couldn't get the point so the whole club meeting finished without getting the idea to the students.  Then the girls club met in the afternoon.  The student showed up on time, but there was no teacher to help me with it.  Thankfully the matieral is in fidel (the written form of Amharic, Ethioipia, but not my zones, language), but the problem then arose that most of the students didn't read fidel, and the ones that did were too nervous to read out loud.  So, after a while one of the teachers comes to help me and explains what is up...then half the students stand up and leave...still noone would read so I start to pack up to leave.  One of the girls finally volunteers to read for me, a little after that the teacher for the club comes and says that she thought the club was Thursday (even though she is the one that told the students to come Wednesday, I guess she just forgot).  The end of the club went ok though so hopefully some of the girls will show up next week.  After all that I decided I needed to have a talk with the principle and we worked it out where I from now on am supposed to have an English teacher there to translate for me at all times. 
Wendesday afternoon I had my English club at the preperatory school, we learned about Haikus and then I had the students write some of their own.  It went really well, and I think everyone had a great time!  I am really glad the students there are starting to open up, I had kids yelling across the room to come over and read their poems and to help them correct it.  There were even one or two that were really very good. 
I found out today that my site is in fact being considered for a health site mate.  The staff will be visiting some time to acess my site and then I will find out for sure.  I just hope if I do get one that they are a cool, and motivated volunteer.  I already have a health worker in town wanting me to get a program started to teach nutrition and health to people living with HIV.    I am also considering teaching a health and nutrition class for women and infants.  I also just had an idea on the ride over here that I should check out the ambulance staff.  I found out that the health center doesn't even have a doctor on staff, so I wonder if the ambulance staff has proper first aid/CPR training.  If they don't that is something I could easily teach. 
So anyway, if my plans work out today I will spend sitting by the pool on wifi to enjoy the weekend and my first day officially off from site!
Another week another experience.  As recently it has been a week of great accomplishments, and annoying set backs.  Sometimes it is cultural differences, sometimes language barriers, but always it is something that I have to learn to not let frustrate me.  I will start with the schools.  So far I have had two meetings with the preperatory school, and three with the High School English clubs.  At each meeting I learn better ways of communicating, and ways of helping them understand.  I never pictured myself a teacher, but I have to admit I kind of enjoy teaching these guys.  I think it is different than from the states though, because these kids honestly want to learn from me.  They are there voluntarily, and they come on time (mostly) because I asked them to, not because they are forced to.  But, sometimes it is frustrating too.  On Wednesday I ws teaching at the prep school, I was about forty-five minutes into an hour long lesson, and half of my students showed up.  I spoke to the principle after and he said he would talk to them about it, but the students that showed up on time I truly think got something from the lesson, and they were very attentive, even starting to open up and participate with me.  The next day at the high school the teacher in the room ahead of me went fifteen minutes into my time and made me cut my class short.  Still, the teacher helping me in that class thinks I am doing a good job, even though at the High school I feel like they are having a hard time with my club, and he encouraged me to continue how I am.  But, between the good and bad of those clubs, I have to say so far I am glad I started them, and I hope it continues well.  The real frustration was because of the language barrier.  Last week I finally managed to get the boys and girls gender and development clubs scheduled.  The teachers told the students when to come, and everything was in order.  So I get there when I am scheduled to do the girls clubs and the fascilitator, and the students are not there.  So I talk to the principle of the school and go home.  That afternoon I went back to speak with the fascilitator and see what went wrong, turns out that he had scheduled the class a half hour after we discussed, I guess he actually thought that was when we agreed on, but as we talked about it I wrote it in my schedule so I know it wasn't.  Then I stick around and wait to start the boys club that is scheduled for the afternoon.  The fascilitator for that class finally shows up about an hour after it is supposed to start and says that the girls club is scheduled and not for another hour, which happens to be when my English club is scheduled at the other school.  So I discuss it with them, show them my schedule and try to get it going properly for the next week.  Still, I know there was still miscomunication, hopefully it works itself out though.
In other areas I was scheduled to have the bees I am buying transported to the farmer training center on Monday.  I look for my counterpart in the afternoon so we can go over to the farmers house who is selling me the bees, and I can't find him anywhere.  Since the farmer speaks zero english there was no reason to even try to go by myself so it was a wash.  Tuesday I find him and he says he had to go out of town for the afternoon.  We go that afternoon and the farmer tells us to come back on Thursday and we will move them.  So yesterday we go and the farmer says he is tired from walking all day and wants to go do "stuff", and we should come back tomorrow.  So today we are going back again, if he comes up with another reason I am just going to tell him to forget transporting them, that I will do it myself and just pay him less.  Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but I am really anxious to get them moved so I can start working with them. 
But, regardless of all the frustrations I have to say that being this busy really helps a lot.  The frustration and boredom have been offset with having things to do and it makes it easier to deal with the monotony.  I have a couple more things in the works that I hope will pan out and give me even more things to stay occupied with soon.